Monday, March 21, 2011

Chilly Chase

Little Chase had to battle some wind during his session, but he held up well! We got a few great shots before we had to get back inside. Thanks for meeting up guys, Chase is adorable!!

Sweet Sweet Sam has arrived!

Little Samantha kept mom and dad waiting, but she is well worth it! She barely made a peep, and is such a snuggler. She would sleep away while being cuddled, but set her on her own and she would be wide awake taking in her surroundings! Simply adorable either way! Congrats guys, she is gorgeous!

Operation Love Reunited...Welcome home VAQ-131!

As most of you know I recently became a member of Operation Love Reunited. It is a non profit organization that is made up of photographers that have volunteered our time to capture the memories of homecomings for our deployed service men and women. I was honored to be asked to join the homecoming of VAQ-131. It was a great experience and the family was amazing to work with. The two oldest boys were so fun to talk with, and all of the boys did great even though the homecoming was late in the evening. My knowledge of lighting indoors at night was really put to the test, I think this experience has made up my mind that I definitely need an external flash!

A HUGE THANK YOU to all of those who are serving (and have served) in the military. I truly am honored and feel blessed to be involved with an organization that I believe in 100%. I can't wait for future OpLove sessions and the opportunity to work with this incredible family (did I mention mom has her hands full with four boys?!)

For more information on Operation Love Reunited, visit

*The photos and other content of this publication do not constitute or imply any endorsement or recommendation by the Department of Defense

Friday, March 18, 2011

Rockin' at Four Months Old

Little Peyton is growing so fast! I was able to meet with his momma (my beautiful niece) and we drove around Everett looking for a park I had researched. We got lost. :( Luckily we headed back into Everett and found a fun ally to take some shots in. I love how they came out!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Trouble on the Train Tracks

We spent the day in Gold Bar with family and I finally got a hold of these three kiddos and took their picture. Gold Bar has such beautiful surroundings and the train tracks are pretty cool. My son always knows we are close to nana and papa's house as soon as he sees the train! Although risky, I think we got some great shots!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Birthday Boy!

I took the opportunity to take some pictures of the birthday boy while down in Tacoma near the Tacoma Children's Museum.

Things I love about this 4 year old.....

1. His curls
2. His smile/laugh
3. His adorable little voice
4. His mom and dad

Happy Birthday Justen!!